Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It affects the skin, menstrual cycle?

Each of the hormones produced in the body, affects the skin.
The behavior of skin in women is closely linked to the menstrual cycle, and changes in it should raise concerns about hormonal health. The work of the sebaceous glands depends on the formulation of estrogen, so:
- Before ovulation (on day 14 when the length of the cycle in 28 days), they hamper the work of the sebaceous glands;
- After ovulation for many women there are rising, the skin becomes oily.
Education acne, and eels, as well as the sharp increase in hyperactive sebaceous glands - the treatment of Endocrinology.

all the necessary checks and tests

In the European Union and Russia, all food additives mean little to clear an alphanumeric code. Many people even do not have a presentation on what is meant by literary E and the accompanying three-digit or four digit number. In fact, nothing mysterious in this nomenclature is not. The point is that the «names» of many nutritional supplements reflect their complex chemical structure. Not only that, these names trudnoproiznosimy, so they are still very long. When they were written on the label entirely, then took half of the list of ingredients. And for small packages, for example, packs chewing rezinok, their complete list and is not large enough to support. That is why the international code was introduced, which belong to food additives are identified by the letter E, and using numbers to encrypt the food properties of matter. This encoding is much simplified case: for example, thermally oxidized soybean oil with mono-and disaccharides fatty acids miraculously turned into a E479, and arabinogalactan - in E409. For several decades, there is a system in which:
E100-E182 - dyes;
E200-E299 - preservatives;
E300-E399 - antioxidants;
E400-499 - stabilizers;
E500-E599 - emulsifiers;
E600-E699 - Amplification of taste and aroma.
This code has eased the lives of the producers, therefore, was adopted in almost all countries around the world.
I must say that in Russia are allowed to use, not all food additives: approved roster includes slightly more than 250 titles. There is one (very small) group of additives, standing alone, - substances that were banned for use in domestic food industry. List «rogue» quite short and includes only five items:
E121 - citrus red (dye);
E123 - amaranth (dye);
E240 - formaldehyde (preservative);
E924a - potassium bromate (baking powder dough);
E924b - calcium bromate (baking powder dough).
In addition to these, there are supplements that are not permitted for use in Russia, so as not held at the Institute of Nutrition RAMS, all the necessary checks and tests. A total of suspicious substances recruited slightly more than two hundred. Meanwhile, they are certified by JECFA and successfully applied in other countries. However, the current system of dual control does not allow Russian scientists to take on trust the experience of their foreign colleagues. That is why in our country are using a relatively small number of food additives. In other States, the spectrum of these substances is much richer and more diverse. So in general the Russians get to eat much less than the «synthetic», than the Europeans or Americans.

makes the meat diet

At this time every year, increasing the average age of people affected by various cardiovascular diseases. This threatening situation prompted scientists from different countries nutritionists think about prevention of heart disease and to draw more attention to seafood, and in particular - for fish, says Epochtimes.

The link between fish and the heart of payment in a large study of health and lifestyle of Greenland Eskimos. The Inuit who had eaten almost exclusively on animal food (fish and sea animals) were, on the terms then, the candidates are ready for early heart attack. They absorb the impressive amount of fat and cholesterol and virtually not eat vegetables, fruits and herbs. In doing so, the heart and vessels of the Eskimos were in excellent condition. It was after this study, fish and fish oil have begun to vigorously promoted as a means of preventing heart attacks.

This can lead not only to the Inuit, but also on any other inhabitants of maritime countries such as Japan and Italy. They are less likely to suffer cardiovascular disease, obesity and impaired function of the thyroid gland, feel energetic and live longer than those who use it rarely eat.

Thanks to what seafood is so effective?

Compared with the animal meat, the seafood and fish - it is easily assimilated protein. It is easy to digest because, firstly, in the muscle tissue of fish, shrimp, crabs and other marine inhabitants of the depths of the number of connective tissue, which delays the digestion of protein, approximately 5 times less than in meat. Secondly, due to the fact that their muscles did not contain fat (the fat, as is known, also adds a burden on the digestive gland). So you never feel the heaviness in the stomach, eat a portion, if, say, a fish. This seafood - an indispensable food for those who want to feel tonicity without interruption for forty winks, etc.

The absence of any of these foods could lead to stunting, reduction of body weight, development of anemia, atherosclerosis, immunodeficiency, neurosis, depression, insomnia, accelerated aging of skin and other health problems.

In fish and other seafood is not only a light protein and fat. It is less than in meat. For example, in cod, heke of 3-6% (compared to the meat of fat around 18%), which makes the meat diet. And that fat, which is - pure medicine. Certainly many have been in childhood.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

emotions have their own compelling logic

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The need for a way out, for escape, sacrifice, or self-punishment, drives us to single out an organ to destroy by illness. The emotions have their own compelling logic. A man with sickness in his body follows a chosen route which the high command of the destructive drive has determined.
Medicine speaks of tissue memory. A part of an organ which has been injured in the past is said to retain a memory, and that is the part which will give the first sign of trouble when the individual is under stress.
The patient is asked to breathe, to grunt, to sit up, to lie down, but never, on pain of breaking the doctor's scientific concentration, to talk. And when the time comes for discussion of the case, for diagnosis and a survey of the treatment to come, it is the doctor, not the patient, who talks.
The doctor, surrounded by his charts, graphs, chemical analysis, spe­cialists' reports, undertakes to tell the still mute, still dehumanized suf­ferer what is wrong with him and how he is to be cured—or that there is
nothing wrong with him and he must go home to live with his pains and his fears as best he can.
If the patient enters the hospital he is likely to be still further stripped of his human individuality. One patient protested for all, "I'm flesh Num­ber 1040! When my doctor finally gets here, he is followed by his retinue—the bigger the doctor, the longer the tail!"
The examination is public, with hardly a word to the patient. Then comes the bright, "And how are we today? Feeling better? That's fine. Take it easy." And the doctor is gone.
Busy as he is, important as he may be in the profession, the doctor would make time for the few minutes of private conversation for which the patient longs, if he believed it would help the case. But all his train­ing is against permitting the variable, unreliable, unscientific human element to confuse or sway his handling of the illness.

this struggle becomes intensified

Hypothyroidism Treatment : At certain ages this struggle becomes intensified. These are the dan­gerous periods. Medically speaking, these are actually the times of life when we find more people falling ill.
Adolescence is known to be a difficult time. The young person in adolescence is confronted not only with the changes in his own body and personality, the new demands made upon him by his need for independence, by his awakening sexual appetites; he must also face for the first time his responsibilities as a member of the adult world. He will soon be called upon to Choose a career, to choose a marriage partner. The thousand demands of maturity are now just ahead of him.
As he emerges into his twenties he may have found the work of his choice or he may not. Some decisions may have been made for him. In any case his need for adjustment is now pressing. Rare is the for­tunate young man or young woman for whom the path of the twenties is smooth. We may even question whether a smooth path is fortunate, lor a struggle to mature at this age may avert more serious difficulty later.

disease was assumed to be this cellular change

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The century up to First World War was one of stormy progress. When man turned the lens of a telescope upward against the heavens he knew himself to be no more than a speck of dust in the universe. But if he turned a similar bit of ground glass downward, in the tube of a micro­scope, he was a giant, and he made giant strides toward knowledge of the physical factors in illness.
Now the scientist actually saw disease: he saw the changes in the diseased cell. And now the cause of disease was assumed to be this cellular change. "Illness," said Virchow, "is life under changed condi­tions." This is probably the shortest definition of illness in medical
literature, and a masterpiece of scientific neutrality as between illness and health.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

symptoms of fatigue

Hypothyroidism : The chronic sufferers from fatigue do not have the excuse of unusual exertions. They are wearied by a day of normal activity. They are weary before they begin the day's work. They are weary whether they work much, or little, or not at all.
Medicine has tried to define the symptoms of fatigue but has im­mediately run into trouble. The objective symptoms, when any exist, are not exclusively symptoms of fatigue. Low blood pressure, low blood
sugar, secondary anemia, loss of weight can be symptoms of numerous other disturbances. More often there are no measurable symptoms at all. The weary man or woman describes a subjective state, a feeling which pervades his mind and body but which rarely registers on a doctor's instruments. Yet the fatigue is none the less real because it is subjective. It is real, and it is a warning.

basic emotional responses to stress

Hypothyroidism Issues : Thus we see emerging two great groups of illnesses resulting from the two basic emotional responses to stress, aggression and inhibition.
The aggressive personality, blocked in his aggressive response, is sus­ceptible to heart disease, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and other circulatory disorders, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism. Diabetes, many skin diseases, and certain allergies also possibly belong here.
The regressive personality reacts with fatigue states, functional dis­turbances of the digestive tract such as indigestion, diarrhea or consti­pation, colitis and a whole train of gastro-intestinal complaints includ­ing peptic ulcer, plus certain allergies and respiratory diseases.
So far we have in bare outline an explanation of why energetic, dominating Aunt Martha has migraine while Uncle Henry, meek and timid soul, suffers from a chronic dyspepsia. We mention Aunt Martha and Uncle Henry as symbols for the many couples whom all of us know.

steps on the road back to health

The practical meaning of this brief theoretical outline is that the body can restore itself if we will only allow it to do so. The body is not so fragile as we sometimes fear. It is capable of forceful resistance. It can be pushed far, very far, and still find resources to recover unless the spirit is broken or the body tissues are worn out. If the body temporarily has exhausted its resources, we can supply medically the help which will restore it. This restoration is, however, only temporary. It is a lift on the way back to health. The true recovery is still in our hands if we have the will.
There is a conscious, rational role which each of us can play in the defense of his health against the stress of living. The human organism is the product of thousands of years of selection and adaptation, and it is built for hard usage. From the stress of living -in itself we have noth­ing to fear.
It is when we permit stress to continue indefinitely, or repetitiously, without taking steps to relieve it, that we suffer damage. It is when we permit ourselves to follow a neurotic pattern that we ourselves defeat the body's resiliency. When we fight the same battle over and over in fantasy, when we fear disaster in fantasy, when we run for protection in fantasy, then we wear out the body's mechanisms for maintaining its vital balance.
This we must remember: whether we fight the battle in reality or only in dream, whether we labor physically or in the mind, the demands on our body in all these instances are real.
Once we make a decision and take action in the world of reality we relieve the body of that emotional stress which is as real as physical stress. Positive decision, realistic action in the direction of adjustment, are steps on the road back to health.
The infantile dependency pattern is not an effort at adjustment; it is a passive state, an evasion of the need to do anything. The aggressive pattern, on the other hand, is an effort at adjustment. But it needs pur­pose and control.
Fight in a physiological and psychological sense means changing the situation, or changing oneself; that is, positive adjustment. But flight from the situation is also normal and therefore healthy. Flight is not necessarily cowardice; it may be an act of wisdom and self-preservation.
The choice is ours. Only fright, fear due to indecision, is destructive. By positive adjustment, by supporting mind and body in their efforts to
adjust—which is not the same as compromise or resignation—we can achieve the satisfactions of healthy living.
source :

Monday, August 10, 2009

must learn to curb your desires

Feelings of inadequacy drive him to set impossible, perfectionist standards for himself: he must be ever richer, more successful, more worthy of love. Feelings of hostility creep between him and those from whom he craves love; they cannot love him, says his inner voice, and therefore he dare not love them.
And so on into the infinite variations of which the theme is capable. The infant, struggling to live and grow, strives from the moment of his birth to adjust himself to a real world which is at best no paradise. He must learn to curb his desires, to make friends with his environment, to meet the standards of his parents so that they may love him and con­tinue to care for him in his helpless, dependent state. His tiny per­sonality takes on the shape determined by his innate strengths and weaknesses in this struggle to survive. It is no wonder that he takes with him into manhood some burden of conflict and misunderstanding, and that this should emerge at some time during his life, generally in a period of crisis, as an undefined state of disturbance.