Wednesday, August 12, 2009

this struggle becomes intensified

Hypothyroidism Treatment : At certain ages this struggle becomes intensified. These are the dan­gerous periods. Medically speaking, these are actually the times of life when we find more people falling ill.
Adolescence is known to be a difficult time. The young person in adolescence is confronted not only with the changes in his own body and personality, the new demands made upon him by his need for independence, by his awakening sexual appetites; he must also face for the first time his responsibilities as a member of the adult world. He will soon be called upon to Choose a career, to choose a marriage partner. The thousand demands of maturity are now just ahead of him.
As he emerges into his twenties he may have found the work of his choice or he may not. Some decisions may have been made for him. In any case his need for adjustment is now pressing. Rare is the for­tunate young man or young woman for whom the path of the twenties is smooth. We may even question whether a smooth path is fortunate, lor a struggle to mature at this age may avert more serious difficulty later.


  1. How they function in each individual, in harmony or disharmony, for health or sickness, for long life or early death, for the fullness of living or the poverty of it, depends upon the individual himself.

  2. What is wrong with the young businessman, the brisk engineer, the capable secretary, the distinguished lawyer who rides to his office each morning hiding his terror behind his open newspaper? All are in perfect physical health. Yet they are haunted by thoughts of aging, of declining powers, of crippling disease or of sudden extinction.

  3. These troubled people, chosen at random out of a doctor's file, are only a few of many who live with a perpetual threat of some imminent disaster although they are apparently in full health and in possession of all their powers. Behind their brave facade they die a thousand deaths. They are suffering from the most common affliction of our time: anxiety.

  4. Hypothyroidism: If rest does not help you get rid of fatigue, so it's time to see a doctor.

  5. Yeast Infection : This is particularly true of influenza vaccination of young children. But we know many ways to prevent non-specific, the simplest and most effective of them - wearing a gauze bandage during an outbreak of infection!
